Pina Visconti, Technical Artist

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Certain Affinity

Halo Infinite: November 2020–May 2021

Technical Artist: Documenting export pipeline for teams. Evaluating and refining terrain LODs. Creation of skydome shader and general shader support for lighting team (in-engine nodegraph). Documentation of water/waterfall shader pipelines for artists as well as implementation of water shader in one level.

Certain Affinity

Dropped Project: January 2020–October 2020

Technical Artist: Converting Blutilities to UE Blueprints in support of engine version upgrade as well as generating new Blueprints to support artists. Documentation of Blueprints. Node graph shader support. General debugging for artists.


Watch Dogs: Legion: September 2016–December 2019

Technical Artist: Documenting pipeline. Training both local and outsource teams. Co-developing and documenting QC checklist. Maintain database integrity and evaluate for inefficiencies. Writing python scripts to fix database errors and improve art pipeline. Minor shader support.


Disney Magic Kingdoms: August 2015–September 2016

Junior technical artist: Creating tools to improve both 2d and 3d pipelines, for exporting and rendering of assets in Maxscript and Javascript. In addition to glsl shaders and general debugging and support.

Drinkbox Studios

Severed: June 2015–July 2015

Implemented levels in in-house engine, updated boss and enemy designs and scripted boss and enemies in GameMonkey.

Sulon Technologies

Unreleased Demo: April 2015–May 2015

Refactored mechanics from previous demos to use system libraries, implemented Animation Controllers, and provided Narration.

Sulon Technologies

GDC - Hydra Demo: February 2015–March 2015

Put into effect tutorial sequence including cinematic triggers and UI elements, performing narration for ghost, functionality for obstacles, hooking up animation for environment and resolving technical issues that arose.

Sulon Technologies

Unreleased Demo: January 2015–February 2015

Implementing scripted events and general functionality, animating environment pieces.

Sulon Technologies

CES - Hydra Demo: September 2014–January 2015

Scripting in C# cinematic sequences and in-game mechanics, implementing animation, UI, particles and sounds in Unity3d, modelling props and animating/rigging the Portal and Hydra in 3ds max.

"The Hydra demo was the first time he'd had genuine fun playing an actual, traditionally styled game on a VR platform. I felt the same, and that could bode very well for Sulon's future success." - Tech Crunch

"'But wait,' they warned me, 'what's that behind you?' Holy shitballs, the portal was still there, and the not-quite-slain Hydra suddenly emerged and enjoyed a crunchy Gizmag writer for a mid-afternoon snack (an unfortunate ending to a fascinating demo)." - Gizmag

Sulon Technologies

CES - Engine Demo: September 2014–January 2015

Worked with one of our artists to create a engineering demo that utilizes hand gestures to open and close a V8 Engine. Responsibilities included scripting all mechanics and optimizing art and hierarchy to improve frame count.

"I won't quickly forget the sensation of pulling apart a virtual engine with my hands, nor the rendered lights shining down on me from a real ceiling." - Mobile Syrup


Disney Magic Kingdoms: October 2013–August 2014

Assisted with pitching, game fakes, initial brainstorming & design. Other duties included designing levels, modelling terrain, debugging art, maxscripting art tools and implementing levels in engine.


UNO & Friends TM Updates 5 and 6: July 2013–September 2013

Teamed up with lead designer to brainstorm and flesh-out plans for future updates, design documentation and UI fakes.


Dropped Project: June 2013–September 2013

Assisted with visuals and brainstorming for initial stages of pitch, designing initial levels.


Epic: The Official Game: August 2012–May 2013

Assisted game designer in creating game-flow diagrams and related pitch documentation. Created UI wireframes and coordinated with UI team to update art, as well as implementing UI in engine. Created menu-flow diagrams, defined unit statistics and all campaign battle formations. As well as debugging UI and localization issues in code.

Feb Fatale

Countenance: February 2013

Feb Fatale was yet another weekend gamejam run by Dames Making Games for groups or single participants to independently create games around the themes of 'Deceit and all things Diabolical'. Our team created a side scrolling combat platformer with a combination of 2d and 3d assets. Team members included Carly Beath on Sound, Yuliya Boublikova on Animation, Leisha Riddel on Environment & UI and Alex Wong on Code & Design. My roles included 3d modelling, Level Design/Implementation and general production.


Velocipedestrienne: November 2012

NoJam was a one weekend gamejam run by Dames Making Games for single entrants with little to no experience producing a game on their own. The jam provides mentors to assist entrants in areas of development they are unfamiliar with. For my project I created a small prototype of a 3d driving game in Unity. The aim of the game is to complete a level while avoiding running over grandmas and hitting zombies to earn points. I created a very basic mesh for the environment and followed the Unity Car Tutorial in setting up the base mechanics. Zombie and Grandma art was provided by mentor Yuliya Boublikova, Audio files and script were created by Aaron Bernstein.


Dropped Project: May 2012–August 2012

Worked with the game designer to develop combat mechanics, micro-games, game-flow diagrams, unit types and lore of the world based on an established IP.


Dropped Project: April 2012–May 2012

Designed floor plans for battlegrounds.


Fashion Icon: May 2011–April 2012

I was one of two level designers working on Fashion Icon. As level designer my tasks included researching clothing and location, co-designing clothing metrics, and designing floor plans for all in-game locations. I created 3d meshes for levels (props & backgrounds); in some cases creating tiled meshes to save on texture space, before implementing and testing levels in unity 3d. I also assisted in game balancing, formatting clothing textures to work with our shader system, formatting Bitmap fonts, implementing the UI in engine. As the project wrapped up I also created tutorials for subsequent update teams on how to implement levels and bitmap fonts.